Press Z+P to restart game

NOT made using any major game engine like unity, unreal engine, godot, construct, or any other major game engine. 

(Under Development!) You get a job at a warehouse company, but the power goes out as you are fixing the warehouse. You must fix each of the nodes in the 5_6_6_6_5_5_6_6_6_5_6_6_6 rooms to turn the lights back on.

Mobile friendly!

PC controls:

"A" to look left (Or move cursor to the bottom left)

"D" to look right  (Or move cursor to the bottom right)

"S" to activate the activity sensor (Or hover cursor over the black box at the bottom)

"E" to activate the door light 

Hover cursor over red button to close front window

Mobile controls:

Touch bottom left of screen to look left

Touch bottom right of screen to look right

Touch black box to activate activity sensor

Touch button on top right to turn on door light

Tap and hold red button to close front window


Shamans way waltiway V.0.3 24 MB
Shamans Way_Waltiway V.0.2 22 MB
Shaman's Way Waltiway V.0.1 19 MB
Shamans way_ Waltiway V.0.0 8 MB

Development log


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no more game of all tim :(

this is a game of all time
